The project discussed on this page and linked to from this page are projects that were chosen to be relatively simple and inexpensive. The list of projects will be added to over time. The most important thing to remember is that this must be fun. Experiment and learn new things.

Project 1: Simple microwave radio telescope
This is a basic description of how to use readily available domestic satellite TV equipment to build a radio telescope that will at least detect the sun. In its simplest form, the energy from the sun can be measured by noting down the reading from a voltmeter. This is a good first goal. After that you can use a PC to record the data digitally 24 hours per day.

Project 2: Detector
A detailed description with schematic diagram and PCB layout of a microwave detector that will work at frequencies over 1 GHz.

Project 3: Jupiter Decametric Study
A brief introduction to decametric studies of Jupiter.

Project 4: A simple dipole antenna for shortwave
This is an alternative to using small loop antennas for studying Jupiter at decametric wavelengths.

Project 5: Installing and Running Spectrum Lab as a VLF Receiver for SID Detection
Install and use this versatile software spectrum analyzer for SID detection at VLF. All you need is a PC with a soundcard running Win95 or higher.